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We believe that life was meant for thriving.

By empowering and inspiring you to live a more conscious life, we support you to take complete responsibility for your life. We meet you exactly where you are today. No judgement. Just love. Through energy healing, emotional healing, chiropractic care, coaching calls, and e-courses, we’re here to help you live your best life!

Read on to learn more about our key tools to support your journey to thriving health and wellness for mind, body, and soul.


Injury Recall Technique - IRT 

IRT is a gentle procedure used to clear out recent or old injuries that have been stored in the body’s nervous system.  IRT helps restore muscle balance to pre-injury status.  This can help alleviate pain and even improve restricted range of motion


Morphogenic Field Technique (MFT)

MFT is a non-invasive alternative healing modality that works with the energetic field around you in order to develop a specific nutritional, herbal, and homeopathic protocol that supports healing. Read more here.


Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic is a gentle, holistic bodywork that is dedicated to honoring the innate intelligence and healing power in the body. Chiropractic adjustments facilitate the nervous system to communicate with every cell, tissue, organ, and process in the body


NeuroEmotional Technique - NET

NET is a mind-body technique that finds and removes neurological imbalances related to the physiology of unresolved stress. NET can help improve many physical and behavioral conditions. Read more about NET here


Applied Kinesiology - AK 

AK is a system that evaluates structural, chemical, and mental aspects of health using manual muscle testing combined with other standard methods of diagnosis.  This is known as the triad of health.


Chakras + the Positive Emotion Pillar

By utilizing these vials we support the patients emotional body in all aspects with the help of essential oils or homeopathic remedies to balance and expand the field.


Coaching Calls 

If you are feeling stuck in any area of your life OR you would like help in becoming the best version of yourself we will work with you to release any energy blockages.  


Modern Day University

Online courses created just for you!  We have a variety of options that you can choose from based on your individual needs.  Drop us a line if you have any questions about what’s best for you and your health.  


Our Newest Healing Offerings


Mind Body Spirit Release™ (MBSR)

An emotional-energetic balancing technique created by Tracy Southwick, ND at Heights of Health in Houston, TX.  This technique allows you to release stress in the body whether that’s on a mental, physical, emotional, or spiritual level.  This technique can be done either in the office or virtually.  In the office we will use muscle testing to determine where you are stuck and virtually we will use a pendulum.  

The ThetaHealing® Technique

A meditative training technique utilizing a spiritual philosophy for improvement and evolvement of the mind, body, and spirit.


Creative Emotional Wizardy

An energetic technique that assesses and addresses the health of the various systems in the body, the emotions that relate and the organs within these systems. CEW further evaluates and treats the spiritual and metaphysical issues which can affect each of us.



ALL about the twin life

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Our Story


We were extremely fortunate and grew up in a home that knew the benefit of chiropractic care.  Our parents took us for our first adjustments at the young age of 2 due to chronic ear infections and autoimmune issues.  Throughout our lives we continued to go and Dr. Erin knew that this was her calling in life when she was 14 years old!  It took Dr. Elizabeth a little bit longer to figure out that this would also be her true calling in life.

While in Chiropractic school, both Dr. Erin & Dr. Elizabeth knew the importance of getting adjusted, yet we found ourselves sick while in school.  The medical route gave us the diagnosis of Hashimoto’s and said there wasn’t much they could do.  That was NOT an acceptable answer for either of us.  We knew we needed to make lifestyle modifications and drastically change our diet.

After graduating from school and starting our own practice we found Morphogenic Field Technique.  We are so thankful that we found it when we did because this technique allowed us to identify our own immune challenges and toxicity issues that were still causing havoc on our bodies despite dietary and lifestyle changes.  We fell in love with whole food nutrition, herbs, and homeopathy and can’t imagine where our health would be without this technique.  Many patients also testify that they can wake up and know that they will be okay despite previous health issues.  

We want you to know that your body is strong, amazing, and always looking out for you.   You just need to know what your body is telling you in order to move forward and past whatever challenge you are facing.   We are here to empower you to take back your right to be healthy and strive in doing so.


Doctors Erin & elizabeth

received their DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC (DC) degrees at LIFE UNIVERSITY and were the Valedictorian and Salutatorian of their class, respectively.